Why cant they see the truth??

I'm not a conspiracy theory loony  I swear I'm not, however some things are just so obviously a load of baloney that peoples stupidity drives me insane.
The Boston bombing, as soon as I saw it I thought how sad for the lives lost, and at the same moment I thought here we go again, lets blame the Muslim. And lo and behold they blamed the Muslim. Two poor teenage boys, boys who had been living in the US for 10 years, boys who had assimilated into American culture, boys whose friends were shocked at the allegations that they were the bombers.

Why would two teenage brothers commit such a crime? If you ask me I don't think they did and in all honesty this saddens me the most. One has lost his life and the other, who knows what they are going to do to him That could have been my brother, my son, my friend. THAT COULD BE ME ONE DAY. If we don't stand against this whose to say one of us wont be one of us?

How convenient that while the gun debate rages in the US this happens? Great way to distract us all. Great way for the NRA to make money off peoples fear, arm yourselves against the great evil the Muslim threat! Sales=money=control.

I'm so sick of being an apologetic Muslim. Why am I apologizing for what I haven't committed? Why is it we feel the need to commiserate when EVERY day our brothers and sisters are being bombed in Palestine, Afghanistan and Iraq, why isn't anyone apologising to us? No more I say.

A friend passed this link onto me. Hello USA, land of the free my ass. Hello WORLD, wake up.


  1. So sad :(

    My heart is so broken to know this.. So sad and angry :'(
    And yes, at the same day there was also the bombing in Afghanistan. But the world seemed like "it's okay,They get used to"

  2. Salaam alaikom

    I saw that video too. Wallah, I don't know what to believe. It's all so confusing. I just want to hear what Dzhokhar has to say. However, the media is really bothering me with how quick they are to say it's "radical Muslims" when nothing points to that yet, besides the fact they are merely Muslim and from Chechnya. If you see his Twitter, he looks like a normal guy. And if his brother was so "radical" why did he marry a American girl who is Christian and have a family? Allahu alim.

  3. I also knew directly that this was going to happen :-(
    So sick and tired of this.

    XO Arezu

  4. Get real. You truly think those boys didn't do it??? Wow. Yes, this is all a huge plot just to frame "those poor Muslim boys" so the US and Israel can have an excuse to keep bombing Iraq, Pali, etc...

    WAKE UP.

    I am supportive of your blog, have been following for a few months, and enjoyed your previous posts, but this is unbelievable.

    1. Nabat firstly everyone's entitled to their own opinion however sis I truly think its you who needs to wake up. I dont believe everything i read or see, maybe you shouldn't either. If you really believe the US gov doesn't lie to its people and the world, your living in a bubble.

  5. honestly I'm sick of all this crap too... when the news went off with the bombings, I couldn't think of anything else, but "I just hope it wasn't a muslim" or "I hope they don't blame the muslims for this too"... and guess what happens!

    even if this shameful act was committed by muslims, I hate that it is specifically emphasized that it was BY MUSLIMS, when the faiths of others committing such acts never get mentioned...

    and I am sick and tired of being a target for the acts of some stupid dumb feks simply because I wear a hijab... arghh
