somali fundraising appeal

 Yesterday on the news my mind was bombarded with images of the starving millions facing death on an every day basis in the horn of Africa. We have all seen these images before...and I'm so sad to say a lot of the time we change the channel, and we, in some distorted way have become immune to these images. We say 'how sad' and move along with our consumerist ways. This year I don't know what happened but the images and news reels spoke to my heart like never before. Imagine, just imagine not being able to feed your dying child. The feeling of hopelessness and destitution. Honestly the tears and sadness we feel can never understand what these people experience. So I decided to give myself a big kick up the backside and organise some type of fundraising effort. Now with the help of a small committee, here in Melbourne we will be holding a fundraising Iftar dinner, the most blessed month to give sadaqa inshAllah! All the info needed is here and will be updated as we book the venue etc. For those of you who cant attend or are overseas you can donate through the paypal link on the right of this screen or I can send you bank details. Dig deep ladies, any amount small or big will help in ways we cannot imagine.

Here are the facts:East Africa is facing a humanitarian crisis of enormous magnitude.
Eleven million people are affected, the equivalent of half the entire Australian population. Amongst them are more than TWO MILLION CHILDREN who are malnourished, 500,000 are suffering severe malnutrition and need urgent aid to avert death.

Drought, on-going armed conflict and inflation causing escalating food prices, have triggered one of the sharpest refugee outflows in a decade.
Urgent life-saving actions are needed to PREVENT the DEATHS of an estimated 500,000 severely malnourished CHILDREN. In addition over 2 million children are malnourished and require urgent supplementary nutrition.


  1. SubhanAllah Ebs, my hubby and I just had this conversation not 2 hours ago! We came to the same conclusion, that we lack sympathy for other people. It's too easy to change the channel, turn off the radio, click on the latest gossip link on the side bar. I think what you are organising is wonderful! May Allah reward you and may He help all those suffering in Somalia and all over the world. May He also forgive us for our blase attitudes and our heedlessness. We think that we are not wealthy and that other 'rich' people are the ones being referred to when wealth is spoken of as a test, but we are blessed and we don't even know it! C'mon everyone, let's give our best!

  2. Couldnt agree with u more Alawiyyah!We have never felt the true pain of hunger or felt the destitute, we are all so well off Alhamdulillah we can afford to part with so much!!

  3. Narrated Ibn Masud:

    I heard the Prophet saying, "There is no envy except in two: a person whom Allah has given wealth and he spends it in the right way, and a person whom Allah has given wisdom (i.e. religious knowledge) and he gives his decisions accordingly and teaches it to the others."

    Narrated Asma:

    The Prophet said to me, "Do not withhold your money, (for if you did so) Allah would with-hold His blessings from you."

    Narrated Haritha bin Wahab :

    I heard the Prophet saying, "O people! Give in charity as a time will come upon you when a person will wander about with his object of charity and will not find anybody to accept it, and one (who will be requested to take it) will say, "If you had brought it yesterday, would have taken it, but to-day I am not in need of it."


    Sahih Bukhari Book 24: Charity Tax (Zakat)

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  6. Laalanne your awesome and so sweet! Its the least we can all do xxoo

  7. posted a link to your site for this. insha'Allah we can raise a huge amount!

  8. May allah swt reward you in this world and the herafter sis mashalla great cause and thanks to all for opeing our eyes to this heartbreaking tragedy. I also wish you huge success on the night you have planned. I personally haven't donated yet but plan to do so this week inshalla.

  9. sad

    رمضان مبارك |
    Ramadan Mubarak
    اللهم بلغنا رمضان |
    Oh Allah, allow us to witness the month of Ramadan

  10. this makes me so sad. i'm definitely going to donate when i get paid next week

  11. That would be awesome S.W.I.W, any amount will help xxoo

  12. ith the donations, do you know if they'd be distributed by missionaries? Or who are the organisers?

  13. SS: Here's the update: We are a small group of women who have organised this and we will be giving all monies made to MUSLIM AID AUST. They normally take 12% of donations to cover fees/admin etc but we broke them down and they have officially agreed to send 100% of the donations to Somalia!
